
We bring statistics and hard data whose source is the Czech Ministry of Finance and the Government of the Czech Republic.

CCLI started to cooperate with the city of Poděbrady. Stock-taking is already in progress.

A memorandum of cooperation between the city of Poděbrady and the Czech Chamber of Lottery Industries was signed. As part of the Stock-taking project for the city, needed data was already collected and within weeks it will be delivered to the town officials.

The updated ordinance should reflect new rules to comply with the current legislature.

Our Activities

Who we are?

ČKLP was established in the 1990s as a professional association within the Czech Chamber of Commerce, and has served to represent the business sector in the field of lotteries and games of chance.

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Quick contacts

U dětského hřiště 11
158 00 Praha 5
+420 602 475 895
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